how to purchase a domain name
If you want know how to purchase a domain name, and you have never done it before, here is what to do. The process is simple and straightforward, and you will be able to register the name you want with a domain name registrar in a few minutes.A domain name registrar is a service which lets individuals register a domain in their name. We say 'register' and not buy or purchase a domain, because you pay the fee for a set period of a year or more to keep the domain in your name and under your control.
So how to purchase a domain name?
Go to and, using their search engine, check that the name you want is still free. If the exact name you wanted is already registered by someone else, then you can think of variations of the name, or look at the similar versions of the name which the registrar will automatically suggest.
Another option, if the .com name you wanted is already taken, is to consider another suffix. Though .com names are the ones most commonly used and registered, you may be able to get the .net, .org, .biz, or .info version of the name. There are many, many other domain extensions now available too.
When the domain name registrar says the name you want is free, that means you can register it. The procedure to follow will be laid out at the registrar's site, and involves typing in your name and contact details (so that you are recorded as the owner of the name) and paying for the period of registration you want (the minimum is one year). Domains now cost about $10 for one year's registration, though you may get it for less if you sign up for a longer period.
You will be offered 'private' registration when you purchase your domain name - this makes your contact details and email address hidden from public view, and may reduce the email spam you get.
Most registration services offer 'free parking' of the domain on their servers, so after your purchase you don't have to make a web site or do anything with the domain until you are ready.
To get started, first check the domain name you want is still free to register. To do this, go to my purchase a domain name page to see the services we recommend. Good luck with your domain purchase, now that you know how to purchase a domain name